How to install Drupal 6/7 on Linux

Drupal is a Content Management System that runs on a LAMP server. Drupal is a free software package that allows you to easily organize, manage and publish your content, with an endless variety of customization. 

It is an open source software maintained and developed by various enthusiasts all across the world. Its free to download and use, and redistribute. Drupal provides an easy way yo host blogs, forums and a variety of other contents. It has huge collection of add-ons modules for functionality like advertising, chat boxes, e-commerce, multimedia tools and instant messenger etc. Drupal can be used to everything from personal blogs to even an enterprise applications. Thousands of add-on modules and designs are available for you. 

Technical Requirements to install Drupal

For Drupal 7, you need the following to get started:
Apache Web Server
PHP 5.2 or higher
MySql 5.0 or higher

These three are a part of LAMP architecture. 

Now, the main part is how to install Drupal on Linux. Lets see it. 

Install Drupal on Linux

Method 1 : LAMP server installation

You can install Drupal in Linux by installing the entire LAMP stack. 

sudo tasksel install lamp-server

If the tasksel command is not there in your system by default, install it first by

sudo apt-get install tasksel

Method 2: Install Drupal Package from Ubuntu repositories

You can install Drupal 6 or Drupal 7 from the Ubuntu Repositories

sudo apt-get install drupal6
sudo apt-get install drupal7

After installing, register the Drupal module with Apache:

sudo cp /etc/drupal/6/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/drupal.conf

and restart Apache sudo service apache2 restart
Method 3 : Install from Ubuntu software center

You can install both Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 from Ubuntu Software center. 

Final Step after installing Drupal in Linux

Open your browser and open http://localhost/drupal/install.php (replace drupal with drupal6 / drupal7 according to your install), create an account and login. Finally, follow the instructions to finish loading the database and configuring the site.

Other useful links:

Drupal website 
Drupal on wikipedia 

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