How to install Apache on Linux

How to install Apache on LinuxApache is one of the most popular free and open source web server and is aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful HTTP (Web) server. Apache is developed and maintained by an open community under the Apache Software Foundation and is commonly used on a Unix like systems. However, it supports a wide range of Operating systems including but not limited to Unix, FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, Mac, Windows, OS/2. 

Apache provides interface to various server side programming languages like Perl, Python, Tcl and PHP and supports various authentication modules like mod_access, mod_auth etc. Other features include support to Secure Socket Layer SSL and Transport Layer Security, a proxy module, URL rewriter, custom log files, and filtering support. It also features configurable error messages, DBMS based authentication databases and content negotiation, password authentication and digital signature authentication. 

This article covers the compilation and installation of Apache HTTP server on Linux and Unix-like systems. 

Download Apache HTTP server

Apache HTTP server can be downloaded from its source site : download Apache Server.

Alternatively, you can downloading it by opening a terminal and typing the following command 


Extracting the downloaded file

You can extract the file by changing the current directory to the one in which the download file is there and typing the following command in the terminal

gzip -d httpd-NN.tar.gz
tar xvf httpd-NN.tar


./ configure
It will configure the source tree using all the default options. 



Install Apache on Linux

make install

If it asks the root privileges use sudo and enter the root password whenever necessary.

Read more : How to install tar.gz file in Linux


vi PREFIX /conf/httpd.conf

Start Apache HTTP server

You can now start your Apache HTTP server by running the command 

PREFIX/bin/apachectl -k start

Similarly, to stop the server

PREFIX/bin/apachectl -k stop

As of June 2013, Apache was estimated to serve 54.2% of all active websites and 53.3% of the top servers across all domains. The article gives you an easy step by step procedure to install Apache on Linux and other Unix-like systems.

Note: If you could provide us screenshots of Apache web server, I would appreciate it. You can mail it to

You can install Drupal 6/7 on Linux and download the XAMPP from here. 

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